It is disturbing to see that there are so many in the anti-cult camp who do not believe in the due process of law. Rick Ross is one of them. Like many ignorant people on the internet, Ross believes that Sathya Sai Baba can and should be tried and convicted based on inaccurate, misleading newspaper articles and public opinion. In fact, Ross believes his opinion is so important he does not need to do any research or listen to anyone, even the law. Like other critical websites, Ross does not allow rebuttals or links to other sites which refute his disinformation. This attitude would not surprise those who know Ross has a previous criminal history for theft and kidnapping. What is even more troubling about Ross's attitude is that he states on his website that there should be legislation in order to force deprogramming on those he and other anti-cultists deem necessary. Yes, Ross wants to make kidnapping 'legal'. This from a man who barely finished high school, has no education or interest in counseling and who believes people should be tried and convicted over the internet based on accusations from people who have engaged in internet smear campaigns but never filed, nor even attempted to file charges and whose claims have exceeded the time limits according to the statute of limitations laws in India. Yet Ross calls himself an "exit counselor".
Tell me something isn't wrong with this picture.
When anti-cultists can smear people over the internet for years on end with misinformation, innuendo, gossip and criminal accusations for crimes they have never been charged with much less prosecuted for, anti-cultists become dangerous and cult-like in their religious intolerance and inability to distinguish between fact and fiction.
Christian fundamentalist Tal Brooke was the first person to make lurid accusations against the famous Indian holy man, Sathya Sai Baba in his book, Lord of the Air. In the first of several revised incarnations Lord of the Air was published under his legal name, Robert Taliaferro Brooke, by Lion Publishing in 1976. The cover description in Lord of the Air reads, "As a student Tal Brooke had sought truth in the teachings of Timothy Leary, in psychoanalysis, in mysticism and TM..." The 1990 edition again titled Lord of the Air, then retitled Avatar of Night in 1999, was published by Harvest House Publishers-a Christian owned publishing company. Just two years earlier, in 1988, former CIA Director and then U.S. Vice President, George H. W. Bush chose Harvest House Publishers to print and market his autobiography, Man of Integrity. There was a photo of Bush Sr. with the Harvest House owner, Bob Hawkins Sr. on the company website until this article was published and that page has since been removed. The archived link is posted below in the reference section. You may have to re-enter the link into the wayback machine to see the page.
In another twist, Tal Brooke admits to taking LSD and being involved with a group called the Neo-American Church (new members received five peyote buttons and a membership card). The Neo-American Church was a pro-LSD organization founded by Arthur Kleps, a follower of LSD guru Timothy Leary. Kleps was alleged to be anti-semitic, first by the Dutch police who expelled him from the Netherlands and later a church associate who was so disturbed by Klep's fascist ideology he separated his Colorado-based Neo-American Church from Kleps. This should probably come as no surprise given the name of Klep's organization.
Tal Brooke, who graduated from the 1963 Class of George Mason High School in Falls Church, Virginia, has also used the alias Tai Brooke. Brooke writes very little about his family in Avatar of Night, other than to say his father was an American diplomat in London and an atheist. In the preface of a book titled Harvest co-written with Chuck Smith, Brooke also wrote, "I grew up in an atheistic home." In a later interview with Dan Wooding on Brooke's Spiritual Counterfeits website he revises his father's belief system to agnostic. In his mother's obituary on the website, Tal Brooke's father's name is listed as Edgar Duffield Brooke. According to a National Security Files memorandum from the Kennedy Library, Edgar D. Brooke was appointed Director of Media Content for the U.S. Information Agency (USIA) by Edward R. Murrow in 1961. This bombshell evidence, which Tal Brooke has failed to reveal, shows Brooke's father was in charge of the worldwide distribution of propaganda during one of the U.S.'s most racist periods in history. Famous civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. would be assassinated in 1968 and in 1971 it would be revealed there was a COINTEL program to discredit blacks and other worldwide organizations considered to be a threat to the U.S. agenda.
This information regarding Brooke's father opens the question as to Tal Brooke's true purpose in going to India in the late sixties. When Tal Brooke left India after two years, he alleges he had just canceled the publication of his pro-Sai Baba book and feared retaliation. Brooke opines in his book (1990 Harvest House edition),"What the enemy might do I had long ago anticipated, was trump up a civil offense charge against me that would be enough to incarcerate me for years." In a conversation with an inspector, Brooke further opines, "Listen to me. I came here on a diplomatic passport. Do you think I came here to do anything other than my intended mission of inquiry?" Since a person with a diplomatic passport has diplomatic immunity, Brooke's fear doesn't make sense. The only way Brooke could most likely lose his diplomatic immunity is if he had been found to be a spy.
So the question is, why was Brooke traveling under a diplomatic passport and why was Brooke so afraid of being held even though he had a diplomatic passport? What was his intended mission of inquiry? Was he a spy?
This would certainly explain why Prime Minister Vajpayee and two former Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of India have signed a public statement declaring the allegations against Sathya Sai Baba to be concocted and malicious.
121. Memorandum From the Director of the U.S. Information Agency (Murrow) to U.S. Information Agency Staff/1/ Washington, April 22, 1961. /1/Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Departments and Agencies Series, USIA, Box 290. No classification marking. Two copies of this memorandum were provided to McGeorge Bundy under cover of a memorandum from Frederic Bundy of USIA, April 27. (Ibid.) If USIA is to have maximum effectiveness as the psychological instrument of U.S. foreign policy, our media output must be more responsive to policy direction and emphasis, and faster and more flexible than heretofore. This requires the closest coordination of all media efforts. I have asked IOP to undertake this responsibility and have appointed Mr. Edgar D. Brooke, a senior Career Foreign Service Officer, as Director of Media Content. He reports directly to the Deputy Director of Policy and Plans. Specifically, our purposes are: 1. To define the themes which media should convey and the subjects they should cover in their world-wide output, and to establish priorities among them. 2. To synthesize Area requirements for media output to best meet overall field needs. 3. To organize detailed programming of media efforts on behalf of priority themes to assure desired emphasis and appropriate division of responsibility. 4. To assure policy control of media output through continuing review. Procedures: 1. Themes and Subjects a. IOP, in consultation with the Areas, shall develop a definitive list of themes to be conveyed and subjects to be covered in world-wide output, and shall recommend to the Director which themes and subjects should be given priority. b. IOP, working with the Areas and IRI, shall keep abreast of U.S. policy developments, field needs, and attitudes of key audiences, and shall revise the Agency's themes, subjects and priorities accordingly. c. IOP shall provide the media with these approved lists of priority themes and subjects, and policy guidance on their handling. 2. Planning and Programming a. The media shall periodically provide IOP with their plans for production and acquisition of major items for world-wide use. ("Major items" shall be defined by IOP in consultation with the media.) IOP shall continuously review these plans to assure conformity with current national policy and Agency priorities. b. IOP shall organize joint planning by the media to assure that world-wide output supports priority themes and that there is appropriate division of responsibility among the media for each theme. 3. Policy Control a. In production of major items, the media shall provide drafts, scripts, or rough-cuts to IOP for policy review in time to permit changes if necessary. b. IOP shall spot-check other output to assure conformity with policy. 4. Applicability a. These procedures shall apply primarily to media output intended for more than one Area. Present procedures for servicing individual posts and for guidance covering output for a single geographic area are not altered by this memorandum. b. The present fast news guidance procedures are not altered by this memorandum. There is no intention to interpose a barrier between media chiefs and my deputies and myself. Rather, we seek to insure that all media are used with maximum effectiveness and that they are consistently and immediately responsive to policy decisions by the Government and program decisions of this Agency. In this effort I ask your unstinting cooperation. Edward R. Murrow
I'm just a girl whose intentions are good (a work in progress).
"Adore man; the adoration reaches Me. Neglect man; you neglect Me. Of what avail is it to worship the Lord and to suppress man, His counterpart? Love for God must be manifested as love for man, and love must express itself as service. Through love alone--love acquired through spiritual discipline and shared with all as spiritual discipline--can peace be attained, by the individual as well as by the nation."--Sathya Sai Baba, Divine Discourse [50th Birthday]: 23 November 1975